Understanding Generations Y & Z

Looking to expand your reach with today’s youngest generations? Would you like to know more ways to connect with Generations Y and Z? Would you…

What Is Your Social Media Policy?

Social media is a powerful tool for credit unions to expand their reach and interact with members. However, social media can become a compliance headache…

Having Influence Makes A Difference

Working with others can be difficult—whether it’s our coworkers or members. Personality styles differ from one person to the next and how we handle each…

Service with a Smile; Even On The Phone!

Attitude is everything! Your mentality with members on the phone matters even if callers cannot see you. It is just as important to still give…

Mileage Rate Update

Effective January 1, 2015, the mileage rate, as set forth by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), was changed to 57.5 cents per mile.

Fundraisers To "Love"

Kiss the 2015 fundraising season for the Maine CUs' Campaign for Ending Hunger off with some great fundraising ideas just in time for Valentine's Day.

NCUA Releases New Risk-Based Capital Proposal

Minutes ago, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) released its new Risk-based Capital (RBC) Proposal. Once more analysis is provided, we will share that information…

League Meets with SBA Officials

Your league hosted a meeting this week with Seth Goodall, Regional Administrator, and Marilyn Geroux, District Director, of the U.S. Small Business Administration. The meeting…