League Partner honored

CUNA Mutual Group has been recognized as one of the most reputable insurance companies in the United States, by Reputation Institute, with the release of…

Compliance Corner: October 2017

The latest Q & A on a compliance issue, as provided by the League's General Counsel at Norman, Hanson & DeTroy. Question:   A person has…

CU here, there and everywhere!

Summers in Maine are short but Maine credit unions make a great effort to get out and about at as many summertime activities, as possible. …

Compliance Corner: September 2017

The latest Q & A on a compliance issue, as provided by the League's General Counsel at Norman, Hanson & DeTroy. Question: When a member…

Fall learning calendar has something for all

After a summer that was, hopefully, filled with barbecues, vacations and visits to some of the state's great outdoor spots, the calendar's change to September…

Fighting cancer has a friend in Maine CUs

From children to adults, cancer remains a fight for a cure.  Though progress is being made on some cancers, much work remains to be done. …

C-U outside this summer

Summers in Maine are short so when the nice weather hits, Maine CUs are joining thousands of Mainers outside.  Maine CUs are not only enjoying…

Compliance Corner: August 2017

The latest Q & A on a compliance issue, as provided by the League's General Counsel at Norman, Hanson & DeTroy. Question: When a member…