Fall learning calendar has something for all

After a summer that was, hopefully, filled with barbecues, vacations and visits to some of the state's great outdoor spots, the calendar's change to September means its time to get back to learning.  The Maine CU League has a fall full of learning opportunities for CU staff of all levels, as well as volunteers.  "Financial education, management topics and volunteer issues are just some of the topics we will cover in our conferences this fall.  There is something for everyone in our curriculum over the next couple of months," explained Cheryl Lancaster, SVP of Member Services for the Maine CU League.

In September, it begins in earnest with the first-ever Financial Literacy Conference on Wednesday, September 6, at the CU Service Center.  The Conference covers financial education for various age groups including college students, youth and those closer to retirement.  Speakers include Christopher Morris of the National Credit Union Foundation, which has significant research on youth financial education and will share how Maine is doing as well as offer ideas on what more can be done.  In addition, Mary Dyer of the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) will present a session on financial education and college students, an age group that is often too old to listen to their parents but lack the experience to make the best financial decisions.  Finally, the League will present a Retire On Track Fair, courtesy of CUNA Mutual and the National Credit Union Foundation, that will provide attendees with a hands-on opportunity to prepare for retirement.  After the Conference, the League will offer credit unions with an opportunity to offer on their own.  To register for the Conference, please click here.

Next on the calendar is the Management Roundtable on September 19-20, at the Samoset in Rockport.  This two-day session for CU leaders and senior staff includes a Roundtable Discussion with Todd Mason, President of the Maine CU League, and sessions with national thought leaders and industry experts on topics, such as focusing on the right things; cybersecurity; millennials; and fintech.  In addition to informative sessions, there will be plenty of time for networking for attendees.  To register, click here.  For information about room availability, contact the Samoset directly at 800.341.1650.

The first full month of fall (October) continues learning with a Collections Conference on October 17, at the Senator in Augusta, featuring Attorney Martha Broderick.  She will address timely collection topics requested by Maine credit unions. Participants will hear the latest updates on applicable collection laws and regulations.  Register to attend this conference by clicking here.

October concludes with the always popular Volunteers' Conference on October 27-28, at the Samoset in Rockport.  Highlights include an update from CUNA Mutual on Maine CU trends, an Issues Roundtable led by League President, Todd Mason, and topics specifically aimed at the more than 1,000 CU volunteers in Maine including how to recruit new board members and supervisory committee members, and how the board can play an important role in membership growth and other CU initiatives.  There will be entertainment and a dinner buffet for registered attendees on Friday, October 27.  For room and registration information, please click here.

Make the most of learning opportunities offered by the Maine CU League in September and October, and stay up-to-date on the latest conferences, workshops and educational opportunities by clicking here.