Adult Financial Education Resources
Because financial education isn’t just for youth, Maine credit unions are active in helping adults with budgeting, first-time home buying, retirement, and more.
For All Adults
hoMEworks A nonprofit group dedicated to consumer homebuyer education. hoMEworks believes the best place to start the home buying process is in the classroom.
ProsperityME (Information and resources for New Mainers/immigrants)
United Way of Greater Portland CA$H Coalition
AARP Tax-Aide
To check your credit score visit:
For Seniors
AARP Money Management Program
Do you or someone you know need help? In partnership with AARP, this program offers money management services to individuals with lower incomes. Seniors and people with disabilities work with trained, bonded volunteers to help balance their checkbooks, write checks for signing, organize their mail and or develop a budget. Participants sign their own checks and retain full control of their bank accounts and other assets.
Find a program in your area:
Spectrum Generations
Kennebec, Knox, Somerset and Waldo Counties
Eastern Area Agency on Aging
Penobscot, Piscataquis, Hancock and Washington Counties
Aroostook Agency on Aging
Aroostook County
Southern Maine Agency on Aging
York and Cumberland Counties
Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford Counties