League Conference

Collections/Bankruptcy Conference

June 6 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm ET
League Conference
Contact: Lauren McCallum at lmccallum@synergentcorp.com

This collections and bankruptcy full-day seminar, led by attorney Christy Jones, will cover the latest changes and updates to laws, regulations and rulings about debt collection. We will simplify SCRA so that you can approach any SCRA issue with clarity and certainty, and we will boil down the Navy FCU order into the key take-away points that you need to know.  1099-Cs have been updated, and we will address what that means for your credit union.  The collections portion of the program will focus on practical guides for your letters, calls and appearing in small claims court. Bankruptcy will focus on Chapter 7 issues, concentrating on useful checklists, flowcharts, and a sample Chapter 7 case to help tie it all together.

Topics will include:

  • SCRA
  • Navy FCU Order
  • 1099-Cs
  • Collections Procedures
  • Collections Calls and Letters
  • Handling Yourself in Small Claims Court
  • Short Sales/Foreclosure Defense
  • Reaffirmation Agreements
  • What to do when you can’t get reaffirmation agreement returned by counsel
  • Chapter 7 Checklist/Flowchart
  • Chapter 7 Example/Spotting Issues and Resolving Them


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