Are You Ready For It? Ending Hunger $100,000 Challenge Launches Next Week

Taylor Swift’s recent visit to New England isn’t the only cause for excitement in our region. The fourth annual $100,000 Ending Hunger Challenge kicks off next week on June 1 with a goal to raise $100,000 in 30 days for the Campaign for Ending Hunger.

Proceeds from the monthlong fundraiser will support Good Shepherd Food Bank, local community food pantries, and meal sites. In addition to raising money, the Campaign hopes the effort will motivate others to work with Maine’s credit union network to address the systematic barriers that are preventing many Mainers from accessing the healthy food they need to thrive.

“As part of our longstanding commitment to reduce hunger and promote financial wellbeing for all Mainers, we are bringing back our $100,000 Challenge in time for National Hunger Awareness Month,” shared Todd Mason, League President/CEO. “While we’ll work hard over the next 30 days to reach our $100,000 goal, we know fundraising is only one part of the long-term solution to address hunger in our state. Ongoing work with our Ending Hunger by 2030 partners is critical for creating opportunities in local communities that help Mainers achieve financial stability, which will help end the cycle of hunger.”


As part of the challenge, 25% of the funds raised online by a credit union will benefit Good Shepherd Food Bank. (This is the same formula used last year). Additional funds raised that are not generated online will count toward a credit union’s 2023 Ending Hunger totals—money that credit unions can distribute back in their communities. Online funds include donations generated from the Campaign’s website and from donations made through a credit union’s unique Campaign for Ending Hunger fundraising URL.

The League will promote the Challenge in our digital outreach efforts and through earned media. All contributors to the Challenge will be recognized and any business—including credit unions—that contributes more than $250 will have their company logo featured on the Campaign for Ending Hunger’s website (with permission).

How Your Credit Union Can Help

Your credit union’s participation and promotion of this fundraiser will be critical to our overall success. Please consider making a donation on behalf of your credit union and add your name to our list of 2023 Challenge Contributors.

Challenge your staff, vendors, and their members to contribute to the Campaign. Encourage them to challenge their family and friends. Your credit union can direct donors to the Campaign for Ending Hunger’s website, or preferably, to your own Campaign for Ending Hunger URL. We also recommend promoting what your credit union (and others) are doing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. Social media has proven to be a valuable tool in prior efforts as ab effective way to get people engaged.

Need Incentive to Get Involved?

Back by popular demand, the League/Synergent will be providing the three credit unions that raise the most money during the Challenge with a $500 bonus that they can use to support a hunger-relief effort in their communities. Credit union winners will be determined in the following asset sizes:

  • Less than $50 million
  • $50 – $250 million
  • $250 million – $1 billion

How the League Can Help You Rise to the Challenge

As we have done in prior years, the League has developed collateral pieces to help you promote the Challenge with your members, employees, and vendors. These materials can be found on the Campaign for Ending Hunger Challenge page on the League’s website,, and include:

  • Member, employee, and vendor communications
  • Sample social media posts and social media images
  • Ending Hunger logos
  • Ending Hunger Challenge posters for lobbies and breakrooms
  • Children’s coloring sheet
  • Printable soup bowl supporter forms

Please note, you must be logged in to the League’s website to access this page.

Partner Appreciation

Addressing the $100,000 Ending Hunger Challenge and the importance of the partnership between Maine credit unions and Good Shepherd Food Bank, Ethan Minton, Philanthropy Advisor for the Food Bank, shared, “The unwavering support and commitment of Maine’s credit unions in addressing food insecurity and promoting financial well-being for all Mainers is truly inspiring. The $100,000 Ending Hunger Challenge is a testament to Maine’s Credit Unions’ dedication and the impact they strive to make in our communities. By working together, they are not only raising vital funds but creating meaningful opportunities that pave the way towards a hunger-free future in Maine.”


If you have questions about the Challenge or need additional resources, please email Jen Burke or Lauren McCallum.