Special Events

YP Network Advocacy Workshop

October 2 | 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Special Events
Contact: Lauren McCallum at lmccallum@synergentcorp.com
Young Professionals Network Advocacy Workshop
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
12:00 PM | Maine State House | 210 State Street, Augusta
4:00 PM | Cushnoc Brewing | 243 Water Street, Augusta (optional)
The Maine Credit Union League will be hosting a Young Professionals Network event in Augusta on Tuesday, October 2. This special event will highlight the important role advocacy plays in helping our credit unions achieve their public policy goals. 
The event will start at noon in the Legislature’s Legislative Council Chambers at the State House Building and end at approximately 3:30 p.m.
Humorist Gary Crocker, a fixture at the Maine Legislature, will present during lunch which will be provided to all attendees.  A panel discussion will follow featuring members of the Legislature, their staff, and the League’s own lobbyists. An optional happy hour will be held immediately following the event at Cushnoc Brewing.
The cost to attend will be $35.  
For more information, email Elise Baldacci, Vice President of Governmental Affairs, or Jen Burke, Regulatory and Legislative Advocacy Coordinator.


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