Special Events Webinars - Live

Credit Union Orientation

October 20 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am ET
Special Events Webinars - Live
Contact: Lauren McCallum at lmccallum@synergentcorp.com

The Maine Credit Union League is committed to helping credit unions succeed and improve the financial lives of their members. But do you know how your credit union and the League work together? How is Synergent connected to the League? What do you know about CUNA Mutual, Tricorp FCU, and the Insurance Trust? Now is your chance to get answers to these questions and make a virtual visit to the Credit Union Service Center. We invite you to spend the morning with us, meet our staff, and learn more about what we do and how we work for you, your credit union, and your members.

We are initially limiting attendance to four connections per credit union. If you would like to be placed on a wait list please provide additional names/email addresses and we will let you know as space becomes available.



Please complete and submit the form below to register for this event. You will be placed on a waiting list if the number of attendees for your reservation is greater than the number of seats available.

Registrations are closed for this event.