CU Webinar Webinars - Live

Diving Deep into Force-Placed Flood Insurance

February 29 | 8:00 am - 9:00 am ET
CU Webinar Webinars - Live
Contact: Krista Simonis at

The Flood Disaster Protection Act requires time-sensitive actions by the lender or its designated servicer during force placement.

In addition, there are specific documentation requirements for borrower notification. Learn how to successfully handle all aspects of force-placed flood insurance coverage.
  • Explain force-placement timing requirements
  • Properly prepare a notice of underinsured or uninsured flood insurance coverage
  • Accurately calculate the amount of force-placed flood insurance
  • Identify documentation necessary to demonstrate flood insurance coverage in connection with a lender’s refund of force-placed premiums
  • Explain the action steps required upon a SFHA change due to a FEMA flood zone map change
  • Recognize examiner-identified force-placement exceptions

For more information, including pricing and registration, please visit: