Special Events

Compliance Updates and Resources

May 12 | 10:00 am - 3:00 pm ET
Special Events
Contact: Lauren Simonds at lsimonds@mainecul.org

We are pleased to invite you to a compliance discussion with Glory LeDu of League Infosight as she discusses current topics and changes in compliance. Glory will provide an overview of hot topics in compliance and explain how compliance training is important for everyone at a credit union. Learn about various compliance tools that are benefits of League membership and available at a discount for League members.

This program is offered in a hybrid format with an option to attend on-site or virtually through Zoom.


Glory LeDu is the CEO of League InfoSight, Inc., a ​league-owned company that provides compliance solutions to ​over 3,000 credit unions nationally, through credit union league/association partners.  LeDu’s background includes over 20 years in the financial industry​, including with credit unions, investment banks, and broker dealers.  LeDu is passionate about compliance and regularly ​assists compliance professionals from large and small institutions, as well as provides compliance training to credit union employees, officials and examiners.  LeDu serves on the Board of Directors for a local credit union ​and is on the Board of Directors for CU Risk Intelligence.

Please Note: Participants may choose to wear masks but, per current guidelines, masks are not required in the building.


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