Special Events

Maine CU Marketing Council Summer Workshop

August 29 | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm ET
Special Events
Contact: Lauren Simonds at lsimonds@mainecul.org

The day will feature two interactive sessions: leveraging community outreach programs to market your credit union and attract new members; and digital marketing and data analytics. Presenters include Davine Conover and Randy Schultz.

Conover serves as the Business Develop Specialist for Ozark Federal Credit Union (FCU) and is the creator of Zoe’s Club youth savings account. She is active with her credit union’s field of membership coordinating events and teaching numerous seminars through local government and non-profit organizations. Conover’s outreach at Ozark FCU has earned her several state and one national NCUA awards.

Schultz is Vice President of Marketing at Strum Agency.  He has a passion for listening, mentoring, coaching and teaching.  He has worn many hats in his career – a rancher, an entrepreneur and business owner, creative director, marketer, and strategist.  He has worked on the credit union and agency side, giving him a unique perspective when educating and working with clients.


Conference fee of $175 includes a continental breakfast and catered lunch.

  • If you  have not already completed a settlement authorization (with Tricorp), please complete this form  to help us streamline payments for member dues and future Marketing Council events.
  • If your credit union would like to pay by check, please make it payable to the Maine Credit Union Marketing Council and mail to Maine Credit Union League, attn. Marketing Council, PO Box 1236, Portland, ME 04104

Note:  2019 Council Dues must be paid in full to attend.



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