Supervisor University to cover strategies for hiring and retraining top talent

Your League understands that when it comes to the hiring process, your CU wants to attract the best and brightest in the field. But how do you hire the right candidate and create longevity?

Join Jane Thomas, your League’s Director of Education, for Supervisor University - Hiring and Performance on Wednesday, January 31, from 10:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., at Bangor FCU. She will walk attendees through the process of hiring the right candidate for your team, and how to retain said employee through an effective appraisal process.

Thomas will lead supervisors to develop questions and strategies to determine the qualities your credit union is looking for in a successful candidate. Supervisors in attendance will also learn how to conduct an interview that focuses on the behaviors and characteristics you seek.

This Supervisor University course will also focus on the four phases in the performance cycle and how to use competencies and goals to conduct a meaningful appraisal. To conclude the day, Thomas will facilitate an interactive session for attendees to practice the interview and performance appraisal process.

Register here, or contact Jane Thomas for more information.