Spend a day learning about the cooperative spirit and partnership at the CU Service Center

Ever wonder how everything all fits together at the Credit Union Service Center and how all of the moving parts work in support of credit unions?  The upcoming Credit Union Orientation happening on Wednesday, March 7, at the CU Service Center in Westbrook, is an opportunity to learn, meet some of the people you may interact with by phone or email on a daily basis, tour the facility and get a much clearer view of the many functions and services that the the Maine CU League and Synergent and other partners provide to help credit unions.

This twice-a-year Orientation takes place in the fall and spring, so if you can't make this one, your next chance will be in the fall.  The Orientation is free-of-charge and open to all credit union staff and volunteers.  Come spend the day learning, networking and gaining a better understanding about the League, Synergent, CUNA Mutual, Tricorp FCU and the Insurance Trust.

Previous participants routinely give Orientation near perfect ratings and call it "time well spent."  One recent participant said, "This is something that every credit union employee and volunteer should participate in - I learned so much."  Another added, "Meeting some of the people I work with was helpful - it was nice to put a face with a name or voice.  I would highly recommend attending Orientation."

It's not too late to register to attend.  Click here to register online; email Jane Thomas; or call Member Services at 800.442.6715.