New year is a great time to learn more about ComplySight

It's a new year and managing compliance procedures and policies remains a significant issue for Maine CUs.  Now would be a great time to learn more about ComplySight with a 30-day free offer.  ComplySight, which is part of League InfoSight, a collaborative effort of 15 credit union leagues/associations, including the Maine CU League, and the Credit Union National Association provides visibility, tracking, measuring and reporting for compliance activities through a single application.

ComplySight assists in the organization’s overall communication, supports a state of continual readiness for audits, and provides regulatory updates essential to maintaining credit union compliance. provides visibility, tracking, measuring and reporting for compliance activities through a single application. ComplySight assists in the organization’s overall communication, supports a state of continual readiness for audits, and provides regulatory updates essential to maintaining credit union compliance.

Cheryl Lancaster, SVP of Member Services for the Maine CU League, said feedback about ComplySight "has been positive as credit unions have found it helpful in supporting their compliance efforts.  For those Maine CUs not utilizing ComplySight, there is an introductory webinar that can walk them through all of the benefits and the 30-day free offer can give CUs an opportunity to utilize the product for a period of time to better understand how it can be a great compliance resource."

For more information or to sign-up for the free trial, please click here.