The League’s Jake Holmes participates at the 10th Annual Fostering Financial Education in Maine Schools Conference.
The 10th Annual Fostering Financial Education in Maine Schools Conference took place on Friday, April 28, at the Augusta Civic Center. The event welcomed over 150 educators, counselors, and financial literacy proponents from around the state – including many Maine CU professionals. The conference, sponsored in part by Maine’s Credit Unions, was designed to strengthen knowledge and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong financial wellness.
The event offered a variety of free financial education resources for K-12 and college-aged students, and featured workshops presented by classroom teachers, national experts, and statewide financial literacy providers. In addition to training opportunities, exhibitors were on site to share their resources and expertise. Jake Holmes, the League’s Financial Literacy Outreach Coordinator and Jump$tart Board Member, was in attendance and exhibiting on behalf Maine’s Credit Unions and Financial Fitness Fairs.
“In speaking with attendees, many of them were already aware of and expressed gratitude for our Financial Fitness Fairs,” remarked Holmes. “And, for those that were not aware, they were excited to learn more and expressed interest in having Maine CUs bring Fairs to their schools.”
Maine credit unions are projected to host nearly 50 in-person Financial Fitness Fairs during the 2019/20 school year, with positive feedback from the conference further reinforcing CU efforts. The Financial Fitness Fair page on the Maine Credit Union League website will soon shift from the 2018/19 Fair season to 2019/20. If your credit union has already scheduled a Financial Fitness Fair for the upcoming school year, please contact Jake Holmes at jholmes@mainecul.org for a listing.