Legislators and their families assembled at the State House on Wednesday for the 131st Maine Legislature’s swearing-in ceremony to begin their two-year terms. The League was pleased to be in Augusta to welcome the new and returning lawmakers and looks forward to working with them on behalf of credit unions in the coming year.
The Legislature already is off to a busy start, with votes being cast on an emergency bill that would have directed heating assistance to Mainers. The legislation did not secure enough votes in the Senate to move the proposal to Governor Mills’ desk, with Senate Republicans expressing their desire for the bill to go through the committee process. Legislative leaders will announce committee assignments later this month. The Legislature has adjourned until January, at which time the energy relief proposal could be reconsidered.
During the upcoming session, legislators will likely consider bills involving data privacy, the use of security features like biometrics, and changes to interchange/card processing fees. The League will keep you informed as we monitor and engage on these and many more areas. We also hope to hear from you about opportunities to create positive change for your credit union and members. Because the deadline to submit legislation is anticipated to be December 30, please contact a member of the Governmental Affairs team soon if you believe there are issues where we can make a difference.
The League is planning several legislative ‘meet and greets’ in January to help lawmakers become more familiar with our cooperative principles and policy priorities. Credit unions will be invited to attend events held in their area to meet with their state representatives. Dates and details will be announced soon.
If you have a question concerning the League’s advocacy work in Augusta, please reach out to a member of the team below:
Robert Caverly, Vice President – Advocacy & Outreach
Krista Simonis, Director of Government Affairs
Ellen Parent, Director of Compliance