Last Call! Nominations, submissions deadline arrives

While there is still time to submit a nomination and/or entries for the League's Annual Awards and the State Dora Maxwell, Louise Herring and Desjardins Awards, the clock is preparing to strike midnight on the deadline.  Submissions and entries for both the League Annual Awards and the State Dora, Louise and Desjardins Awards is Friday, March 30, at 5:00 p.m.

Nominations will be accepted for the League's Annual Awards through the end of business today including the Alexander Ferguson Award for Outstanding CU Volunteer; the Jeannette G. Morin Award for Outstanding CU Employee; the James M. Gratto Award for Outstanding CU CEO; and the Diane L. Oceretko 'People Helping People' Award.  "The strength of the Maine CU System is due, in large part, to the quality of the staff and volunteers at the credit unions across the state.  The Annual Awards provide an opportunity to recognize some of those individuals," stated Cheryl Lancaster, EVP of Member Services for the Maine CU League.

Submissions for the Dora Maxwell, Louise Herring and/or Desjardins Financial Education Awards are also due by day's end.  These awards recognize the efforts, programs and initiatives by credit unions in community service, member education, and financial education (youth and adult).  There is no fee to submit an entry, and entries are judged by impartial judges.  All first-place winners in the State Awards are automatically entered into the national awards competition, coordinated by CUNA, later this year.

For League Annual Award nomination information, click here.

For entry information for the State Dora, Louise and Desjardins Awards, click here.

Winners of the League Annual Awards will be recognized on Friday evening, May 18, at the Annual Convention, while the winners of the state awards will be honored during the League's 80th Annual Meeting on Friday, May 18.