Former Maine Senate Republican Leader Joins League’s 2015 Legislative Team

KJJonCourtney.jpgYour League is pleased to welcome former Maine Senate Republican Majority Leader Jon Courtney as a member of your League's 2015 Legislative Team.  Courtney will assist with various political activities and some of your League's immediate priorities.  In 2010, former Senator Courtney was elected by his Republican colleagues to be the Senate Majority Leader from 2010-2012, when he also was the Senate Chair of the Taxation Committee.  He was termed out in 2012, after serving four terms in the Senate.  Prior to becoming Majority Leader, Courtney served as the Assistant Minority Leader from 2008-2010, and also previously served one term in the Maine House.  “Throughout his legislative service, Jon was a good friend to Maine’s credit unions, and received our endorsement in each election.  We believe adding him to our 2015 Legislative Team to support the efforts of Elise Baldacci, our Director of Governmental Affairs, and Pineau Policy Associates in Augusta, as well as provide assistance and guidance to Jon Paradise, Vice President of Governmental & Public Affairs, and myself on other issues and strategy during the next legislative session is a proactive and important step on your League’s part,” stated your League’s President John Murphy.