CUs Can Now Raise Money Online to Meet Their Campaign for Ending Hunger Goals

To assist credit unions with fundraising for the Campaign for Ending Hunger, the League has created individual donation pages for each credit union on the Campaign’s website, These pages will provide credit unions an opportunity to send their members, employees, and vendors to a unique link for donations. 100% of the funds donated through a credit union’s Ending Hunger page will be credited back to the credit union to distribute in their communities.

“Fundraising during a pandemic isn’t easy, but making an online donation is, which is why we created these unique URLs for Maine’s credit unions,” said Tim Brooks, Vice President of Corporate Marketing & Communications at the League. “Our communities are depending on the Campaign now more than ever before. The League wants credit unions to be successful with their fundraising, and this new online tool should help.”

The links are customizable and can be tailored to suit each credit union. Once your credit union has received its unique online link, contact Liv Charron, League Corporate Marketing Coordinator, at to request changes to the page.

“While we can’t create a unique brand for each credit union, we do want to be sure the page reflects the credit union as best as it can,” said Brooks. “If the page content isn’t right, we’ll work to change it to ensure usage of the page is adopted.”