CUNA applauds Maine CUs for ending hunger success

When the President/CEO of the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) gives a shout-out for an effort, you know your efforts are making a difference in reinforcing the credit union philosophy of 'people helping people' not just in your own state but nationwide.  In the most recent edition of the Nussle report from CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle, he specifically applauds the success of the Maine CUs' Campaign for Ending Hunger.

In his newsletter which goes to thousands of CU officials nationwide, Nussle wrote, "A shout out to the Maine Credit Union League for raising a record $740,000 during its 2017 Campaign for Ending Hunger. The campaign surpassed the $8 million mark in funds raised in its 28-year history. Awesome job, and way to live the credit union philosophy!"

On the kind words from Nussle, Todd Mason, President of the Maine Credit Union League, said the Campaign's success highlights the "strength of Maine's credit unions and underscores how special the Maine CU System is.  We are doing great things in our state so we should all feel proud of receiving recognition for a Campaign that is a model for how cooperation can bring about good things and make a difference."


Link to The Nussle Report