Credit Reporting & Delinquent Accounts: Disputes, Revisions, Recent Guidance & More

Delinquent accounts require special attention and an understanding of the risks they bring to compliance, collections, and credit reporting operations. The credit reporting function has gained added significance with borrowers’ increased awareness of the power of the credit score, the rise of the CFPB, a highly motivated plaintiff’s bar, and the Equifax breach. From policies and procedures, to quality assurance and organizational charts, credit reporting impacts every financial institution. Learn the steps that can increase efficiency, reduce risks, and calm your compliance nerves.

This webinar on Wednesday, January 17, from 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M., will focus on the unique operational and compliance challenges posed by delinquent accounts. From automated disputes to direct disputes and all the gray areas in between, this session will provide a common-sense approach to FCRA dispute compliance and management. Join us to learn a process to control the credit reporting risks surrounding delinquent accounts and manage the Equifax data breach’s negative impact on your operations.

For those participating in this webinar, you can expect to cover:

  • Critical steps in responding to credit report disputes
  • Recent CFPB credit reporting guidance
  • What to do with repeat disputes, frivolous disputes, and settlements
  • Reporting discharged loans after bankruptcy
  • Creating an effective dispute resolution process
  • Identifying and avoiding common reporting landmines

After participating in this webinar, attendees will receive: FCRA examination guidance; CFPB supervisory highlights special credit report edition; sample FCRA policy; employee training log; and a quiz you can administer to measure staff learning and a separate answer key.

This webinar is offered through the League's partnership with the CU Webinar Network. For more information or to register, please click here.