YPN Puts A 'Bow' On Successful First Year; Ready To Unwrap A New One

When the Maine CU Young Professionals Network (YPN) was launched in January of 2015, the goal to have 50 members by year's end seemed like a lofty one. As the YPN begins its second year, membership now stands at more than 60 credit union professionals between the ages of 21 and 40 years-old. "The response in the first year was very positive from not only members of the network but from CEOs pleased to provide an opportunity to engage younger staff in a network that represents future credit union leaders," explained Debra Trautman, VP of Corporate Marketing for the Maine Credit Union League.

During its first year, the Maine CU YPN had a number of meet-ups that provided a forum for young professionals to talk about career paths, share knowledge and insight, and get to know individuals from other credit unions. In addition, the League and the YPN Steering Committee held two successful YPN Institutes this fall. The Institutes included a panel discussion featuring credit union CEOs discussing their careers, and answering questions from participants about the tools, experience and resources needed to further their credit union careers.

"Credit unions are great places to work, and one of the reasons is the willingness of credit unions to share with each other. With a number of credit union leaders retiring in recent years, developing a structure that can help train and groom future credit union leaders now not only makes the future bright but also is enticing to young people interested in a career in credit unions. The YPN is a way for young credit union professionals to get to know peers at other credit unions, which strengthens the spirit of cooperation now and into the future," added Trautman, who said the goal is to have 100 YPN members by the end of 2016.

For more information about the Maine CU Young Professionals Network, please visit the page on the League's website.


Dave Libby, President/CEO of Town & Country FCU, and Ken Acker, President/CEO of TruChoice FCU, share their years of experience working at credit unions during the CEO Panel at this fall’s Young Professionals Institute at the League.