Maine's two GAC Crashers excited to bring advocacy to a new generation


Over the past few years, the Maine CU League has joined the Credit Union National Association and credit union leagues across the country in a concerted effort to get more younger CU staff members engaged and involved in political advocacy.  "Grassroots is a hallmark of the success of credit unions, and with more leaders who have been strong advocates for many years retiring, including in Maine, it is imperative that we educate and engage the next generation of managers and leaders in legislative and political advocacy.  The Crash the GAC program does a great job of creating an understanding and awareness about how important it is," said Elise Baldacci, Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Maine Credit Union League.

For the first time, Maine has two credit union staff crashing the GAC - Edward Budway of Evergreen CU, and Christine Black of Infinity FCU.  Both were excited and proud to have an opportunity to represent Maine CUs and attend the 2018 Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Governmental Affairs Conference February 25 - March 1, in Washington, D.C.  "I attended a Filene Event last year, and the energy in the room was infectious! I was inspired to become more involved in Credit Union Advocacy, and represent the State of Maine and our members alike.  I am very passionate about credit unions and I look forward to being a part of driving change in our movement and in the communities we serve through advocacy," remarked Black on why she decided to apply to be a crasher.  Budway had similar observations, stating, "At the GAC, I’m looking forward to absorbing everything I can. Whether it’s wisdom from peers, knowledge from speakers, or just enjoying the time in our D.C. - I’m excited for everything.  This is going to be a tremendous learning experience for me, and I appreciate the opportunity as a younger professional.  Typically, managers or senior leaders in the industry are the ones attending conferences like this.  In addition, events like the main presentation by President George Bush, time spent with legislators on Capitol Hill, and networking with Crashers from other states add even more value to this trip  It’ll be awesome to bring back some new ideas and perspective to my colleagues here at Evergreen and in Maine.

The Maine CU League, in cooperation with Cooperative Trust and CUNA, help to coordinate the 'Crash the GAC' program.  While the cost of attending the GAC itself is covered by the program, the League is providing both Black and Budway with $500 scholarships to help with expenses.  "It's an investment in ensuring we have a strong grassroots network well into the future," added Baldacci.