Maine CUs make emergency grant to help food bank that lost power for nearly a week

Upon hearing the news that the Bath Area Food Pantry was without power for nearly a week in November, losing all food from nearly two-thirds of their entire inventory in freezers and refrigerators, the Maine CUs' Campaign for Ending Hunger made an emergency contribution of $2,500 to the Food Bank.  "This means so much to so many people.  The willingness of the credit unions to step forward and do this for us and our clients is overwhelming."

(Pictured above at the Bath Area Food Bank are: Midcoast FCU's Lorraine Corscadden; Kimberly Gates of the Food Bank; Shawna Chute and Kelley Ramsey of Five County CU.)

"The Maine Credit Unions' Campaign for Ending Hunger is about helping, especially in time of crisis, and the impact of what the Bath Area Food Pantry lost in terms of meat, all of their dairy and eggs because of the power outage, warranted the Campaign's help.  We have five credit unions with branches in the area, so some have members that were likely affected by this event," stated Jon Paradise, Vice President of Public Affairs and Engagement for the Maine Credit Union League, adding, "The area credit unions - Atlantic FCU, Down East CU, Five County CU, Lisbon Community FCU, and Midcoast FCU, were aware of the contribution and were pleased that the Campaign could help."

According to the Food Pantry, in addition to losing a significant amount of food, demand is higher than usual, with the Food Pantry reporting almost double the amount of families that needed assistance this past week.  Kimberly Gates, Executive Director of the Pantry, said, "11 of the 50 families that came on Tuesday night had never been there before.  They lost just like everybody else, and they didn't know where else to go, and they're not families that would normally come to a food bank situation, they're getting by, but when you lose everything, they were just coming to try to get something to get through the week."

Since 1990, the Maine Credit Unions' Campaign for Ending Hunger has raised more than $7.2 million to help end hunger in Maine, including a record-setting $675,000 in 2016.  100% of all funds raised go directly to ending hunger and stay in Maine.