All parties agree: 2017 Legislative Forum was a political heyday in Freeport

From two sessions with legendary, Pulitzer prize-winning political journalist, Carl Bernstein (pictured above with Todd Mason, President of the Maine CU League), to insight from past legislative leaders to a lively preview of Maine's 2018 political environment, the Maine Credit Union League's 2017 Legislative Forum was a winner at the evaluation box.  Despite being a crowd of diverse political beliefs and and issues, the largest Forum crowd ever gave all of the speakers and the program near-perfect ratings.

"Carl Bernstein was pretty blunt about his criticism of both political parties, and the need for more leadership in Washington, D.C., including Congress and the President.  He was also critical of the campaign that Hilary Clinton ran, and blamed Democrats and Republicans equally for the hyper-partisan nature of politics today.  His perspective was fascinating to listen to," remarked Tucker Cole, President of Maine State CU and Chair of the League's Political Involvement Committee. 

Bernstein said, "Politics today has too often turned into a soundbyte blaming the media and 'fake news'.  Just because what you are hearing does not agree with your beliefs does not mean it is fake.  The level of discourse today is worrisome.  I am hopeful that both parties and our leaders can get back to being less about party and more about country.  Friendships are being lost because of political disagreements today, and that troubles me and it should trouble you." He urged attendees to be open to checking facts rather than opinions and to demand more compromise and accountability from politicians.

Following Bernstein, three past legislative leaders spoke about the importance of relationships and legislative success.  Former House Republican Floor Leader, Mary Small, praised credit unions "for taking the time to be visible and talk about why an issue is important.  Taking the time to talk to legislators is crucial, and something that leaders hear about and it makes an impact."  John Richardson, former Speaker of the House, agreed, adding, "As a leader, we have a lot of issues to deal with so establishing a relationship with leaders can determine whether we hear you or not.  As local financial institutions, credit unions are well-respected and involved."  Jon Courtney, who served as the Senate Majority Leader and is now one of the League's contract lobbyists, explained, "Leaders can help move a bill forward or make it more difficult, so getting to know leaders and Committee Chairs are great ways to be heard."  

The Forum ended with a lively session of 'The Maine Event', the popular political show that airs on Maine Public Television.  Co-hosted by former Speaker of the House, Hannah Pingree, and current Senator, Roger Katz, the hosts did an onsite version of the popular and influential show that covers Maine politics.  Pingree and Katz covered a variety of topics including the perceived partisanship in Augusta between legislators and parties.  "For the most part, legislators want to do the right thing for our state.  Much of the talk is just that talk.  I made some great friendships that last to this day with legislators from all backgrounds and beliefs," remarked Pingree.  They also gave an early preview of the 2018 Governor's race, with both agreeing that the race is wide open for both parties.  "There are a lot of good candidates running but it's way too early to tell a favorite," said Katz.