A record presence in D.C. boosts visibility, highlights strength of Maine CUs

When a handful of people from Maine get together and take the time to go to Washington, D.C., to meet with the state's members of Congress, it's impressive.  When nearly 110 representatives from the same group descend on Capitol Hill to meet with the Maine Congressional Delegation, it makes an indelible and lasting impression.  Such was the case recently when the largest-ever group of Maine credit union representatives went to Washington to participate in the Credit Union National Association's (CUNA) Annual Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC).  While the Conference was an opportunity to display the strength of credit unions nationally, with more than 5,200 credit union leaders and officials attending, the focus for the Maine Credit Union League was its Annual Breakfast with Maine's Congressional Delegation that is held in conjunction with the Conference.

What type of impact did it make?  Senator Angus King not only noticed the size of the crowd, he joked about it.  "With so many people here, is there anyone left at your credit unions back in Maine?"  Though somewhat tongue-in-cheek, the Senator was clearly impressed by the "size and strength" of the Delegation from Maine's credit unions in town to advocate for and represent the state's nearly 700,000 credit union members. 

Each member of the Delegation expressed "appreciation for the positive impact and role that credit unions have on thousands of Mainers and communities."  Senator Collins noted the efforts of Maine's credit unions when it comes to ending hunger.  "I noticed that you had an Olympic Champion at your recent results event to announce the total from the 2017 Campaign.  When it comes to gold medals, your Campaign gets one in my book."  Congressman Bruce Poliquin reiterated his pride "in having my first-ever account at a credit union, and I remain a proud member of a credit union today.  Credit unions are about helping people and small businesses do better, and you do a great job at that."  Though unable to attend in person, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, through a legislative aide, thanked credit unions "for always being on the frontlines of helping people.  The strength of Maine's credit unions is impressive."

Todd Mason, President of the Maine Credit Union League, said in his remarks at the Breakfast, "We are fortunate and appreciative to have the support of our entire Delegation on so many issues.  We value having strong voices speaking on our issues in Washington."

In addition to the Breakfast, the Maine group attended the general conference, which included speakers from Congressional leaders, the Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Chair of the National Credit Union Administration, and former President George W. Bush. 

"A powerful display of credit union cooperation, grassroots, and advocacy for all to see.  When credit unions come together, we make a difference," remarked Elise Baldacci, Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Maine Credit Union League.