Maine CU Leader named CU Rock Star

For Jason Lindstrom, President/CEO of Evergreen CU, which is headquartered in Portland, his philosophy is simple: “Put yourself in members shoes.”  Lindstrom, a veteran of working in credit unions in different parts of the country, was recently recognized for his commitment to members and credit unions by being named a 2017 CU Rock Star, representing Maine CUs, by the Credit Union National Association (CUNA).

The Rock Star designation is selected annually based upon nominations and feedback from each state’s CU system.  “Jason understands the CU System from a variety of levels, and has used that knowledge in his current position.  He is engaged and involved and a strong advocate of doing whatever he can to further the cooperation of credit unions.  His designation is certainly well-deserved,” remarked Todd Mason, President of the Maine Credit Union League.

Before coming to Maine, Lindstrom’s stints with credit unions in California and Virginia involved financial analysis, outside sales, and business development that gave him career-forming insights.  “I was turned off by the financial industry’s focus on becoming wealthy,” he says. “I also saw that one of the greatest things credit unions provide is a check and balance to banks.  Without credit unions offering the rates and services they do to members, banks would quickly exploit the vacuum with higher rates and fees.”

Lindstrom has a knack for high-tech that he honed in his stint with the Filene Research Institute’s i³ innovation program.  “I worked for two years looking for better, faster member service solutions, especially lending,” he says. “Mortgages, for example, require an immense amount of paperwork. We should simplify that process for members.”

At the end of the day, though, Lindstrom never forgets what members go through.  “I’ve been there—had my debit card declined and experienced fraudulent use of my name,” he says.  Thus, his mantra: “Always put myself in members’ shoes.”

The 2017 CU Rock Stars are all highlighted in a special issue of CU Magazine, a national publication.