The Way Forward: Post-Corona Strategies for Your Credit Union

On June 29 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm, the League will co-host a webinar, The Way Forward: Post-Corona Strategies for Your Credit Union, for credit union board members and management. This virtual program is being offered through a collaboration with the northeast credit union leagues. There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required. Visit the League’s website to register.

Event Description

Some things will change while others will stay the same. The presence of strong board and manager leadership will create sustainable advantages for a credit union. As we venture into this post-corona environment, new strategies must be deployed. This webinar, facilitated by Ancin Cooley, will provide your board and management team with a practical roadmap for knowing when to lead, when to partner, and when to stay out of the way. 

About the Facilitator

Ancin Cooley is Founder and Principal of Synergy Credit Union Consulting, Inc. Synergy helps credit unions grow and thrive by helping them manage risk and increase profits through director training, strategic planning, Enterprise Risk Management, internal audits, and regulatory compliance reviews. Cooley manages a growing portfolio of clients throughout the United States and Caribbean. He brings more than 20 years of experience to the financial services industry including the U.S. Treasury Department where he performed examinations for financial institutions ranging from $1 million to $8 billion in total.