Sen. Pouliot presents Connected CU’s Wendy Brochu (left) and University CU’s Abbey Ramsay (right) with the Joint Resolution.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new month that will be focused on promoting financial education. To commemorate the occasion, the Maine Legislature on Tuesday passed a Joint Resolution declaring April Financial Capability Month. The resolution was sponsored by Senator Matt Pouliot (Senate District 15), who spoke about the importance of expanding access to financial education on the Senate floor. Following his remarks, he presented the resolution to Connected CU’s Wendy Brochu and University CU’s Abbey Ramsay.
“On behalf of Maine’s credit unions, we are deeply appreciative of the support we’ve received from the Legislature in recognizing the importance of financial education for Mainers of all ages,” said Robert Caverly, League Vice President of Advocacy and Outreach. “We also want to acknowledge Senator Pouliot’s continued leadership in helping to expand financial education offerings throughout Maine. We’ve only scratched the surface on what can be done and look forward to continuing our work with our state representatives to expand access to programs that help people make smarter financial decisions.”
Our League played a pivotal role in encouraging legislators to support this resolution.