Today is the day! The #ILoveMyCreditUnion social media blitz is finally here. Over 800 organizations, including the Maine Credit Union League, are participating in this important effort to highlight why members love belonging to a credit union. We hope your credit union is joining us in the fun!
By participating in this important initiative, you will not only engage with your members and employees, you will collaborate in an effort that is bringing together credit unions from across Maine and the country—even around the world! Last year’s event garnered significant publicity for the credit union movement and today’s festivities are sure to make an even bigger impression.
Remember, the goal for today is to inspire others to join a credit union through authentic, high-energy conversations on social media. Please don’t forget to use the hashtag, #ILoveMyCreditUnion on all social platforms. If your credit union needs engagement ideas or messaging guides to help facilitate activities, there are tools and resources available to help online.
Let’s celebrate the credit union difference, share some amazing credit union stories, and show our love for the People Helping People movement!