Infinity FCU is celebrating a significant milestone. Maine’s first credit union turned 100 on March 19. In addition to last week’s day-long celebration and the debut of a new anniversary logo, the credit union announced it will be sponsoring activities throughout the year to recognize its employees, members, and communities.
For example, the credit union’s signature Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) campaign is getting a major boost. Infinity FCU employees will receive $100 to perform RAOK in their neighborhoods. In addition, the credit union’s community sponsorships and donations will be elevated with even more organizations receiving volunteer time, financial support, and long-lasting partnerships. Infinity FCU also plans to announce special promotions on products, services, and membership incentives throughout the year, and will host a larger celebration with members when it’s safe to gather.
From all of us at the League, happy birthday Infinity FCU!