Congratulations to the team at Five County CU. Earlier this week, they were notified that the credit union was included on American Banker’s Best Credit Unions to Work For list. Seventy credit unions made the list and range in size from 28 employees to more than 3,000. According to American Banker, the winners were selected through two different surveys with the help of Best Companies Group. The first survey examined employee satisfaction, while the second evaluated the benefits and policies of each credit union.
Five County CU, with 121 employees, is the only institution from Maine to be recognized on the 2022 list.
“We are all very proud of the recognition,” said Julie Marquis, President & CEO at Five County CU. “Our team takes pride in helping members day in and day out. We are all People Helping People, and I’m very thankful for my team and their hard work.”

Profile as posted on American Banker’s website.