The 2020 Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC), taking place February 23 – 27 in Washington, DC, is a few weeks away and one lucky Mainer will be joining the delegation traveling to our nation’s capitol. Evergreen CU’s Danielle Dulac has been selected by CUNA and The Cooperative Trust to participate in Crash the GAC.
Crash the GAC provides credit union professionals under the age of 35 the chance to attend the GAC and meet with credit union executives and thought leaders from across the country. Crashers also are invited to:
- Attend GAC breakout sessions and general sessions
- Examine vendors options for credit unions and attend social events
- Build relationships with other credit union young professionals
- Connect with over 5,000 activists from the credit union system
- Attend mentor sessions with industry thought leaders each day
- Connect with other leaders from their state by attending Congressional visits on Capitol Hill
Selected crashers were required to complete an application. Click here to view the complete list of 2020 GAC Crashers. Congratulations, Danielle!