Election Results Resources Are Now Available for Maine Credit Unions

As the League continues to assess the ramifications of the election for our industry, we have created resources that credit unions can provide to employees and volunteers. These one-pagers, which are posted on the League’s website, outline endorsed and non-endorsed winners of state elections by chapter. The League achieved a 95% success rate for endorsed candidates this election cycle. The documents also detail the impacts these results have on federal and state politics—including changes to the Senate Banking Committee, NCUA, and CFPB, and leadership positions in the Maine State House. 

The League hopes credit unions will use these one-pagers as a resource to encourage further political involvement and discussion. For a full list of the election results, please visit our website. If you have any questions or comments regarding these resources, please reach out to Krista Simonis, Director of Governmental Affairs, at ksimonis@mainecul.org.