Election season is in full swing and the League’s Governmental Affairs team has been busy preparing for the big day. They have been working on League endorsements for federal and state office and making contributions to credit union friendly candidates through CULAC, the federal political action committee of the Credit Union National Association.
Because so many in-person political events have been canceled due to the pandemic, CULAC needs extra support to ensure credit unions can continue having a voice at the policy table. Fortunately, there are several opportunities for Maine credit unions to get involved and help CULAC in October.
The annual Legislative Forum, taking place on October 14, will be held online this year and so will the annual CULAC Silent Auction. The auction will open shortly before the Forum begins and conclude following the event. In prior years, auction items have included Yeti coolers, leaf blowers, wine and food kits, and a variety of gift cards. If your credit union would like to donate an item to the auction, please email Ellen Parent, League Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy Coordinator, at eparent@mainecul.org.
To coincide with International Credit Union Day on October 16, credit unions can dress casually for CULAC October 12 – 16. To participate, download the dress down flyer and sign-up sheet to help advertise this event. Questions concerning CULAC Casual Dress Week can be directed to Robert Caverly, League Vice President of Governmental Affairs, at rcaverly@mainecul.org.