State Senator Matthew Pouliot addresses the conference attendees.
On October 10, the League held its third annual Financial Literacy Conference at the Credit Union Service Center in Westbrook. Over twenty credit union professionals attended this special event to network and learn more about financial literacy for youth and seniors.
The League was joined by four guest speakers. State Senator Matthew Pouliot (District 15) kicked off the event by speaking about his efforts to promote financial literacy in Maine schools. Pouliot also discussed the recently passed legislation he co-sponsored which will help ensure students in grades K-12 receive proper fiscal education.
Jess Maurer, Executive Director of the Maine Council on Aging and Connie Jones, Program Director of Money Minders at the Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging, shared tips for improving the financial well-being of older credit union members. Leah Taylor, Vice Chair of the National Youth Involvement Board, discussed why it is important to track and report your credit union’s financial literacy outreach efforts.
“We had a knowledgeable lineup of speakers for our event and I’m confident everyone who participated learned something new,” said Jake Holmes, Financial Literacy Outreach Coordinator for the League. “Financial literacy is a key component of our work to help Mainers achieve their financial goals. Events like these are so important for our credit union network.”