Elise Baldacci
Today wraps up my second official week at the League serving in my new capacity as President, and I am overwhelmed by the warm welcome I have received from credit unions in addition to League and Synergent staff. The credit union People Helping People philosophy has always been close to my heart, and I am excited to do my part to advance this special movement in Maine.
Throughout the summer and into the fall, I will be meeting with credit unions to both reconnect and hear firsthand how the League can continue to support you, your members, and your communities. I am eager to receive feedback on ways we can better collaborate, communicate, and of course, advocate on your behalf.
There are several CEOs who are new, or relatively new, to their positions. You may be one of them! I look forward to introducing myself and identifying ways the League can partner with you on your continued growth and success. While I plan to convey this sentiment to all credit unions, it is especially important for me to highlight the offerings the League provides with those who may be less familiar with our organization.
As part of this, I also want to ensure credit unions connect with my talented team and understand the important role they play in the credit union movement in Maine. Chapter support, education, networking, fraud prevention, regulatory compliance, lobbying—these are just a few areas my team focuses on, keeping your investment in the League in mind with everything they do.
I am deeply appreciative for the trust the League’s Board of Directors has placed in me to serve as President. I am grateful for the chance to earn your trust, too. I know we will be able to achieve great things together and demonstrate the value credit unions bring to their employees, members, and our great state.