League Town Hall in April to Feature TruStage’s Steven Rick

Credit unions deeply value the economic insight Steven Rick provides the industry through his monthly Credit Union Trends Report. On April 8 at 1:00 pm, the League will host Rick for a Town Hall discussion, where he will highlight what he sees on the horizon for credit unions. We hope your credit union will join us! Rick will also offer his thoughts on the state of the economy.

If you have not been receiving Zoom meeting invitations for Town Halls and would like to add your name to the list, please email Kelley Souza at ksouza@mainecul.org.

About Steven W. Rick

Steven Rick is Director and Chief Economist at TruStage™. His primary responsibilities include conducting strategic research, analysis, and forecasting of the financial services industry, with special emphasis on the consumer and credit union markets.

Rick’s forecasts serve as a starting point for the strategic planning process and help to create a clear understanding of the underlying trends and links between the general economy, the financial services industry, and the company’s policy owners.