Join the League in Bangor as We Host a Compliance Conference for Credit Unions

On March 26 and 27, the League is holding a two-day Compliance Conference at the Hilton Garden Inn in Bangor featuring Kristen Tatlock and Jamin Carlisle from Aux. Topics will include an introduction for new compliance officers, supervisory priorities, Reg E and Reg Z, marketing compliance, and social media. Click here to review the complete agenda and register. The fee to attend both days is $489; $245 for single day participation.

“The League is looking forward to collaborating with our credit unions and the team from Aux to deliver a comprehensive workshop for compliance professionals,” shared Ellen Parent, League Compliance Director. “There are very specific rules credit unions must follow and regulations are always changing. Our event will provide credit unions a solid foundation to help them stay up-to-date on complex matters.”

If you are interested in lodging at the Hilton Garden Inn, the League has secured a room block. Please call the hotel directly at 207-262-0099 and mention group code “MCULS” to book your discounted room rate. The group room rate applies for Monday evening, March 25 through Wednesday evening, March 27.

About the Aux Team

Kristen Tatlock, CUCE, BSACS Senior Compliance Manager: Tatlock assists credit unions with issues ranging from advertising rules to bylaws, from Social Media compliance matters to Regulation Z, and just about every regulation and compliance concern in between. She has earned Compliance and BSA certifications from the two national credit union trade associations. She regularly presents compliance training programs for credit unions, CUNA, NAFCU, and many state Leagues around the country.

Jamin Carlisle, CUCE, BSACS Compliance Manager: Carlisle has extensive experience in credit union-specific compliance. His primary areas of expertise include BSA/AML, vendor management, disaster recovery, and staff training. In addition to in-house credit union compliance experience, Carlisle has served on planning committees for consumer awareness and elder abuse conferences and given presentations to local community colleges, high schools, and community groups.