Early Room Reservation Deadline for Elevate 2024 Coming Up Next Week

The League invites you and your team to join us for our 86th Annual Convention and Exhibit Show, now known as Elevate, taking place May 17 and 18 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland. You will not want to miss this year’s full agenda of keynotes, breakout sessions, an exhibit show, a silent auction, the much-anticipated annual awards program (with a new award category this year!), and ample opportunities for networking and socializing with your credit union peers. 

The early room reservation cutoff date is next Friday, March 1. To book your two rooms for the early hotel reservations, please click here and email your completed forms to Jordan Inkley. On March 4, the link to book additional rooms will be sent out. 

Please note that Elevate will not be a hybrid event, so we encourage you to secure your hotel accommodations soon. Your colleagues at the League and Synergent look forward to connecting with you and your team in-person at Elevate this year! 

Please contact Jordan Inkley with questions.