100% Credit Union Participation Fuels the Campaign for Ending Hunger’s Success

Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger has grown exponentially since it began in 1990. The success of this important initiative is rooted in the strong participation of all Maine credit unions lending their strong support to this signature cause. As we wrap up fundraising for the year, we hope we can once again count on every credit union to make a contribution.

Credit unions have until Monday, January 9, 2023, to turn in their 2022 funds to Campaign. Funds can be submitted any time before this deadline and mailed to:

Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger
Attn:  Accounting
PO Box 1236
Portland, ME 04104

Take a Chance to End Hunger funds also should be turned in by January 9.

If your credit union collected non-perishable food, you can submit the value of any in-kind contributions you made with your 2022 fundraising total. However, the Campaign will need an acknowledgement of receipt from the beneficiary of the items for tax purposes.

Meeting the fundraising deadline will help us finalize preparations for our annual Ending Hunger Celebration luncheon, taking place on February 15, at the Harraseeket Inn in Freeport. If you have not registered to attend this event, please sign up on the League’s website. In addition to our traditional awards program and fundraising announcements, attendees will hear from Billy Shore, Founder and Executive Chair of Share Our Strength, the parent organization for No Kid Hungry.

To help make 2022 our most successful fundraising year yet, don’t forget that our Holiday Meals for Mainers initiative is in its final days. Encouraging the gift of a holiday meal this season is a great way to incentivize others to make a timely donation to the Campaign.

If your credit union has questions about submitting your 2022 funds to the Campaign or about the February luncheon, please email Jen Burke, League AVP Communications & Outreach, at jburke@mainecul.org.