League Connects Credit Union Trainers With Their Peers

On October 19, the League hosted its first CU Trainers Group meeting at the Credit Union Service Center in Westbrook. The meeting was organized to bring trainers together to share best practices. It also was intentionally designed to build critical connections that will foster future engagement and to create a space for troubleshooting concerns, brainstorming ideas, and problem-solve training needs that arise.

“Credit unions across Maine are expanding their training programs and creating training departments to meet the needs of an ever-changing industry, retain employees, and increase employee growth and engagement,” said Stacy Rodenberger, League Assistant Vice President – Learning & Development. “Bringing together this dynamic and passionate group of educators will lead to new collaborations, relationships, programs, and resources that will help all credit unions grow and build their teams.”

Twenty-five participants representing the League, Synergent, 12 credit unions, CUSO Home Lending, and the Insurance Trust were in attendance. Moving forward, these trainers will meet quarterly.

Karyn Cormier, League Learning & Development Specialist, was thrilled to help launch this new program. She believes it will be an abundantly useful resource for trainers in the weeks and months ahead.

“This is very much a project I have wanted to see happen for years,” shared Cormier. “I was a trainer at a credit union before I started at the League. While I was fortunate to have a training team and not be completely on my own, we all had different focuses.  When I was creating a brand new program, I wanted someone in my shoes to talk to and see how they were doing things. Now, I’m in position where I can create those types of connections for other trainers.”

The League encourages credit union trainers to contact Karyn Cormier at kcormier@synergentcorp.com if they are interested in attending future meetings.