Business Lending Solutions Bolsters Management Group with New Senior Credit and Operations Officer

Business Lending Solutions, LLC, (BLS) announces the addition of Josh Sanders as the new Senior Credit and Operations Officer. A highly respected lending professional with over 20 years in the industry, Sanders brings extensive underwriting and portfolio management experience to the BLS team.

In his prior role, he oversaw the implementation of the Baker Hill Bank2Business underwriting and application systems, while working extensively with the automation of other segments of the business lending programs.

“This is a very dynamic and exciting time for Business Lending Solutions, and I am very pleased to have someone with Josh’s background and experience joining the team,” said Russell Cole, President and CEO, at BLS. “He will play a key role in positioning BLS as a premier credit union services organization, providing business lending solutions to our credit union partners and their members.

In addition, Cole reiterated the company’s goals for success, declaring, “The continued growth and expansion of BLS continues to be a top strategic priority for the Board and the Senior Management Team.”