2021 Ending Hunger Fundraising Is Coming to a Close

It’s hard to believe 2021 is almost over! It seems like we just kicked off our Campaign for Ending Hunger fundraising for the year. We know how hard Maine’s credit unions have been working on our signature social responsibility effort, and with 2022 on the horizon, there are some deadlines approaching to keep in mind.

2021 Ending Hunger Funds

The deadline to submit your credit union’s 2021 Campaign for Ending Hunger contributions is January 7, 2022. Funds can be submitted any time before this date. Funds can be directed to:

Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger
Attn: Accounting
PO Box 1236
Portland, ME 04104

Please keep in mind, funds from gaming activities such as raffles should be directed to Take a Chance to End Hunger in Maine. These funds also can be sent to PO Box 1236, Portland, ME 04104.

Food Donations

If your credit union collected non-perishable food, you can submit the value of any in-kind contributions you made with your 2021 fundraising total. However, we will need an acknowledgement of receipt from the beneficiary of the items for tax purposes.

Indirect Contributions

If your credit union has provided financial support directly to a hunger-relief organization (not through the Campaign for Ending Hunger), please include that information with your year-end total. While we encourage all credit unions to utilize the Campaign for these types of donations, we want to give you “credit” for all your efforts to combat hunger in your communities.

Quarterly Statements

If your credit union would like to change who your quarterly Ending Hunger balance statements are directed to next year, please email Jen Burke, League Public Affairs and Communications Manager, at jburke@mainecul.org by December 31, 2021.

Annual Celebration Save the Date

The Campaign’s Annual Celebration will take place virtually on February 9, 2022 from 12:00-1:00 pm featuring Maine CDC Director Dr. Nirav Shah.

We look forward to honoring the significant contributions that Maine’s credit unions have made in the fight to combat hunger in our state and will share information on how you can register to attend this event soon. As in years past, we will announce the Campaign’s overall fundraising results for 2021 and the top fundraising credit unions will be recognized.

If you have any questions concerning the deadlines outlined above, the Annual Celebration event, or the Campaign, please reach to Jen Burke for assistance. Thank you for everything you are doing to combat hunger and improve the lives of those living in your communities.