Own It Moment Focuses on Tax Prep

Maine’s Credit Unions are focused on helping their members and potential members, improve their financial lives. To raise the visibility of our credit union network and how credit unions help consumers, we have a robust statewide awareness campaign that encourages people to learn more about the benefits of being a credit union member.

One aspect of the campaign is our social media and website presence at mainescreditunions.org. Each month, the Maine Credit Union League’s corporate marketing team produces short educational videos and graphics which run on all aspects of social media. These “Own It Moments” are meant to educate consumers and illustrate the value of credit unions.

January’s “Own It Moment” is focused on tax season and contains four tips to help members get a bigger refund. The video, as well as the other “Own It Moments” from mainescreditunions.org, can be linked to and used on credit union websites.

Help your members own their moments by sharing this timely video today.