Real Member Stories Leave Meaningful Impressions

The League is now using stories from real credit union members in our Statewide Awareness advertising. Stories from real Mainers demonstrate how credit unions help their members “Own it.”

As we move into the new year, we would like to collect additional stories to potentially use in our video, radio, and print advertising. We want to highlight credit union members who have experienced significant, positive life moments thanks to their credit union.

Because our credit unions are our best resource, we hope you will help us collect these unique, interesting, and engaging member stories. The narratives can be anything from loans to savings assistance, community involvement, credit building, or just general interactions.

By showcasing the credit union difference from unique member perspectives, we will create a consistent and distinctive picture of the Maine credit union industry that will shape the perceptions of current and prospective members.

Please send your stories to Tim Brooks, Vice President of Corporate Marketing and Communications, at and Mike Rosmus, Creative Marketing Manager, at, or upload online at