HRCU recently donated $40,000 to 37 local nonprofit organizations, including the Malley Farm for Women, as a part of its 11th annual Christmas Caring Campaign.
Last month, Holy Rosary CU (HRCU) donated $40,000 to 37 local nonprofits as part of its 11th annual Christmas Caring Campaign. This year’s recipients range from food pantries and homeless shelters to mental health and addiction recovery services.
“The Christmas Caring Campaign is one of the ways we at HRCU give back to the community that means so much to us,” said Sydney Albee, Director of Marketing at HRCU. “This season is about kindness, generosity, and connection. At HRCU, we believe in building stronger, brighter futures together, and we are honored to give back to those who do so much for our neighbors.”
Each year, HRCU staff and volunteers nominate local nonprofits that are creating meaningful change in communities across York County and the New Hampshire seacoast for these donations. Since its inception in 2014, HRCU has donated over $340,000 as part of its Christmas Caring Campaign.
This year’s recipients include:
- Acorn School
- Amy’s Treat
- Barrington Community Food Pantry
- Caring Unlimited
- Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
- Community Congregational Church of Greenland Food Pantry
- Community Food Pantry of Somersworth
- Connor’s Climb Foundation
- Cornerstone Visiting Nurse Association
- Dover Children’s Home
- Dover Mental Health Alliance
- Dover Share Fund
- Farmington Preservation Improvement Organization
- First Church Congregational UCC
- Friends in Action
- Gather
- Girls on the Run New Hampshire
- Home for Now – Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
- The Homemakers Health Services – Easter Seals of New Hampshire
- Hope on Haven Hill
- Interfaith Food Pantry at the Congregational Church of Farmington
- Lydia’s House of Hope
- Malley Farm for Women
- New Durham Food Pantry
- New Generations
- Newmarket Community Church Food Pantry
- New Hampshire SPCA
- Pope Memorial Humane Society
- Rochester Share Fund/Gerry’s Food Pantry
- Seacoast Family Promise
- Seacoast Mental Health Center
- Spaulding High School Raider Station Student Pantry
- Southeastern New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (SENHS)
- Strafford Nutrition Meals on Wheels
- Triangle Club
- Vouchers for Veterans
- We Care Food Pantry at Restoration Church