Campaign for Ending Hunger Annual Golf Tournament Update

The League is pleased to announce that the annual Campaign for Ending Hunger Golf Tournament has been rescheduled to Monday, September 14. The tournament will be held at the beautiful Belgrade Lakes Golf Club as originally planned.

The annual tournament is the biggest fundraiser for Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger. With food insecurity rising in Maine due to COVID-19, hunger-related organizations like Good Shepherd Food Bank, Full Plates Full Potential, and local food pantries and backpack programs will be depending on our Campaign now more than ever!

If you are registered to play or are a sponsor of our event, there isn’t anything you need to do except hold this new date on your calendar. If you are registered to play and unable to participate on September 14, please contact Jen Burke, League Public Affairs & Communications Manager, at your convenience to discuss releasing your spot.

There are still sponsorship opportunities available for this year’s event. Your support is needed! Click here to learn more.